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California Legislature Passes Leaded Avgas Ban

RUSS NILES | Published on 9/3/2024

California Legislature Passes Leaded Avgas Ban

California has passed the U.S.’s first leaded avgas ban effective in 2031.

California is a governor's signature away from banning leaded aviation gasoline statewide. Politico Pro is reporting the California state Senate on Thursday passed bill that would outlaw the fuel starting in 2031. California is the first state to pass a leaded fuel ban. Several other states have similar legislation moving through their legislatures. The Senate vote passed 30-8. The day before, the House passed the bill, SB1193, sponsored by Democratic Sen. Caroline Menjivar, by 59-11. It now goes to Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign. He could veto it but based on the two votes it would pass anyway with the required two-thirds majority to defeat a veto. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto the bill.

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