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A Note about 100LL fuel sales at local airports

The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 under SEC. 620. GRANT ASSURANCES states that at any airport where 100LL was for sale in 2022, it must remain for sale until an approved unleaded replacement is for sale (or 2030, whichever comes first).  This means that a locality can't ban sale of or refueling with 100LL.

It is in everyone's interest to get rid of lead as early as possible, as soon as a safe approved fuel is widely available.  Currently the bottleneck is in the fuel development, approval, and production process, which can only be accelerated at the federal level.  Please contact your federal representatives to encourage them to put pressure on (and fund) the FAA to accelerate work on unleaded fuels.

To see more on the fuel initiative, please visit

Studies & Analysis

A Geospatial Analysis of the Effects of Aviation Gasoline on Childhood Blood Lead Levels - This study shows that lead from avgas does expose children but only those living within 1 km (or a little less than 2/3rds of a mile) of an airport. Looking at the map around the Boulder airport there are very few houses this close to the airport on the departure paths or under the pattern which is on the north side (runway 26 is right traffic). Also at KBJC it is nearly all commercial within 1km on the departure paths and under the north and south pattern, there are very few houses.

Do you live close enough to a small US airport to have lead exposure? Check our maps - June 16, 2022

Fun fact: In the Colorado State 2023 fiscal year (7/1/22 to 6/30/23) there were 622 millions of jet fuel sold in CO, and 3.2 million of avgas.  Based on the EIA Data, the average daily auto fuel consumption was 6.1 million gallons per day (2,226.5 million gallons for the year).  This means the total use of avgas consumed in the state for the previous fiscal year represented 0.14 percent against the auto fuel burned in the state.  If you want to add in all the jet fuel (all the airlines going in/out of DIA use jet fuel), the percentage rises to 28 percent is aviation based fuel.

What are U.S. Standard for Lead Levels? - This page refers to a blood lead level of 5 micrograms per deciliter (μg/dL) as the CDC’s blood lead reference value. As of October 28, 2021, CDC uses a blood lead reference value of 3.5 micrograms per deciliter to identify children with blood lead levels that are higher than most children’s levels. This new level is based on the U.S. population of children ages 1–5 years who represent the top 2.5% of children with the highest blood lead levels. For more information, refer to Blood Lead Reference Value

Why is there so much lead in American food? - In 2024, one of the most potent neurotoxins known to humanity persists all over the world as a public health threat. For the second time in six months, lead contamination in food products has put public health authorities on high alert in the wealthiest nation in the world. Last fall, contaminated cinnamon-applesauce pouches caused dozens of lead poisoning cases across the US, eventually prompting recalls in November. And in March, the federal government announced that some ground cinnamon products also contained slightly elevated levels of lead and advised customers not to buy them.

Colorado Department of Publish Health & Environment Lead Study - In October 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a final endangerment finding that leaded aviation gasoline (avgas) contributes to air pollution that is harmful to public health. This study evaluates the evidence for a link between living in proximity to airports and children’s blood lead levels in Colorado. - May 2024

CABA Lead Study Statement - In October 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a final endangerment finding that leaded aviation gasoline (avgas) contributes to air pollution that is harmful to public health. This study evaluates the evidence for a link between living in proximity to airports and children’s blood lead levels in Colorado. - May 22, 2024

Noise Studies & Analysis

Part 150—Airport Noise Compatibility Planning - This part prescribes the procedures, standards, and methodology governing the development, submission, and review of airport noise exposure maps and airport noise compatibility programs, including the process for evaluating and approving or disapproving those programs. It prescribes single systems for—(a) measuring noise at airports and surrounding areas that generally provides a highly reliable relationship between projected noise exposure and surveyed reaction of people to noise; and (b) determining exposure of individuals to noise that results from the operations of an airport. This part also identifies those land uses which are normally compatible with various levels of exposure to noise by individuals. It provides technical assistance to airport operators, in conjunction with other local, State, and Federal authorities, to prepare and execute appropriate noise compatibility planning and implementation programs.

Airport Noise Compatibility Planning (14 CFR Part 150) - The Vision 100-Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (Public Law 108-176) required FAA to "make noise exposure and land use information from noise exposure maps [prepared under 14 CFR part 150] available to the public via the Internet on its website in an appropriate format." To meet this requirement, we have collected the links below, which point to noise exposure and land use information taken from part 150 studies as well as from other sources, such as environmental analyses and/or airport master plans.

Centennial Airport - KAPA - Rev Noise Exposure Map in compliance 4-4-2008 


Videos on aviation fuel:

GAMI on Unleaded Fuel - AirVenture 2024 - Recorded at EAA AirVenture 2024 in Oshkosh, WI - This recording from AirVenture has been edited. One segment of the presentation contained information with a little ambiguity, which could lead to misinterpretation, which in the context of this sensitive topic would be counter-productive. It was therefore omitted from this video. Furthermore, three audience questions which were more provocative than helpful for the overall fuel discussion have also been omitted.

CPA Presents - G100UL by George Braly

Unleaded Avgas Cure or Curse - The announcement last October by the University of North Dakota (UND) flight school that it was terminating its year-long test of Swift UL94 unleaded avgas and returning to 100LL came as a shock and disappointment to many in the industry. UND's maintenance director cited evidence of "significant" exhaust valve/seat recession in some of its Lycoming-powered Piper Archers. Is this a major setback for piston GA's transition to unleaded fuel? In this webinar, Mike Busch explores what we know about valve recession and lead, and discusses how much of an issue this is likely to be. Savvy Aviation offers Professional Maintenance Services to owners of General Aviation aircraft, such as: SavvyMx (Professional Maintenance Management including Prebuy Services), SavvyQA (Expert Consulting), SavvyAnalysis (Engine Data Analysis) and Breakdown Assistance. - March 12, 2024

Whadayamean Unleaded Fuel Will Trash My Valves? - Now that GAMI's G100UL is fully approved and awaiting distribution, owners are hearing questions about how unleaded fuel might cause valve damage in aircraft engines. It was once a thing in car engines, but in this video, AVweb's Paul Bertorelli examines the issues and finds valve seat recession an unlikely consequence of using unleaded aviation fuel. - March 5, 2023

The G100UL STC Saga - George Braly at AirVenture 2022 - This is a recording of a presentation made by Tim Roehl and George Braly of GAMI (General Aviation Modifications, Inc.) on the progress (or lack thereof) with obtaining an STC for GAMI's unleaded aviation fuel, G100UL. Recorded in Oshkosh, WI at AirVenture 2022 on July 28, 2022 - Forum Stage 8

G100UL Approved Now What? - On September 1, 2022, the FAA finally approved the first unleaded 100-octane aviation fuel, GAMI's G100UL. Now things get complicated as companies have to figure out how to market and distribute the fuel in a universe where 100LL hasn't been prohibited yet and is still the dominant piston fuel. This short video summarizes the market overview an introduce three longer companion videos.

GAMI G100UL Presentation - Sun 'n Fun 2022 - George Braly, Chief Engineer at General Aviation Modifications, Inc. (GAMI), provides a summary of the certification progress of their G100UL unleaded aviation fuel.  Recorded in Lakeland, FL on April 5, 2022 at Sun 'n Fun.

GAMI on What's Next for G100UL Avgas - On September 1, 2022, the FAA finally approved STCs for General Aviation Modifications, Inc.'s G100UL unleaded aviation fuel. In this video interview conducted by AVweb's Paul Bertorelli, George Braly and Tim Roehl explain what happens next.

Decarbonize Aviation? - With weather disasters lined up like airliners on final to LaGuardia, news on climate change is a constant. And with aviation the most energy intensive form of mass transportation, it's in the cross hairs as an emitter of greenhouse gas. In this video, AVweb's Paul Bertorelli examines the role of electric airplanes and, more importantly, sustainable aviation fuel. Bottom line: Don't expect miracles.

Mogas in Aviation - This (potentially life saving) presentation for pilots will discuss seasonal blends of automotive fuel (mogas) used in aircraft and the risks associated with using a winter blend in warm temperatures. I will share my experience of a near-engine-out over the mountains, what caused it, and what you need to know to keep that from happening to you. I will be joined by Rian Johnson (President, Van's Aircraft) who will delve deeper into preventative measures for vapor lock.

News Articles:


Environmental Group Disputes FBOs’ Fuel Claims - Lawyers for a California environmental group say a collection of FBOs and fuel distributors are trying to convince a court that they know better than the FAA what makes an acceptable aviation fuel. The Center for Environmental Health is trying to compel 17 California FBOs and the four fuel distributors that serve them to switch from 100LL to GAMI's G100UL to comply with a 10-year-old deal they signed to settle a lawsuit over the sale of leaded avgas. CEH says their opposition to making the switch amounts to upending the certification process for new fuels by creating an "an alternative set of facts where equipment manufacturers, not the FAA, approve aviation fuels and that the FAA’s cursory review and approval of G100UL has led to its approval of an unsafe and untested fuel." - January 28, 2025

AOPA Wants Unleaded Fuel Feedback - The new president of AOPA wants everyone using new unleaded fuels to report their experiences through a new survey page on the group's website. Darren Pleasance, who took over from Mark Baker on Jan. 1, said in a statement the association believes in a "burn and learn" philosophy to rapidly gain insight to any issues that may arise from a change in fuel. "We owe it to the entire industry to quickly assess issues as they arise and respond accordingly as we learn," Pleasance said. - January 25, 2025

Lead Lawsuit Targets Expect $10,000 Legal Bill, Launch GoFundMe - The four partners in a Cessna 172 being sued over the lead emissions the plane emits have launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover legal costs and expenses expected to top $10,000. The partnership is run through Flyboys LLC and it is that entity that's being sued by the occupant of an apartment in the pattern for two runways, in both directions, at Arlington Municipal Airport in Arlington, Washington. Plaintiff Scott Iceberg, who says he suffers from ulcerative colitis and panic attacks, alleges the partners deliberately fly over his home and threaten his health. He also claims the owners are choosing to use 100LL when unleaded alternatives are available, but the partners say their engine needs 100LL. - January 22, 2025

FAA Looking Into Possible G100UL Fuel Issues - The FAA is now reportedly investigating reports of damage to aircraft related to their use of GAMI's G100UL unleaded fuel in California. Inspectors looked at several planes involved at Watsonville Airport south of San Francisco. Various incidents of peeling paint, leaking fuel tanks and even a bent pushrod/seized valve have been reported in various forums. - January 21, 2025

Airport Neighbor Cites Lead Pollution In Suit - An Arlington, Washington, man has filed a lawsuit against multiple aircraft operators at the local airport, alleging their planes are "spewing lead" over his home and those of his neighbors. Scott Iceberg is asking Snohomish County Superior Court to force the defendants to stop using leaded fuel and to stop flying over his apartment because of the noise it makes and the panic attacks it causes him to have. Iceberg says he has a chronic illness that makes him more vulnerable to the health impacts of those who "fly around in a little airplane for fun." Iceberg's fourth-floor apartment is a few blocks from the perimeter fence of Arlington Airport and would appear to be in both of the patterns for each of two runways. AVweb called Iceberg but were politely hung up on by Google Assistant after a couple of questions about the nature of our inquiry. - January 20, 2025

GAMI Releases Video Of Fuel Drip Test - General Aviation Modifications Inc. has completed its own version of a 10-day simulation of a slow leak of its G100UL unleaded fuel and no paint damage resulted. In the video results below, GAMI founder and chief of engineering George Braly says the fuel was allowed to drip and evaporate on a side panel from a Bonanza with 20-year-old paint. The paint was stained by the dye in the fuel but GAMI was able to clean that up with normal shop techniques. - January 17, 2025

Fuel/Paint Tests At Odds With One Another - A California A&P who has been testing the effects of GAMI's G100UL on aircraft paint says a second round of testing has confirmed early results. But GAMI founder George Braly says his company has been unable to replicate Michael Luvara's results. Braly said immersion tests and allowing fuel to evaporate on painted surfaces haven't caused any of the kind of damage that Luvara has shown in the second of two videos posted on YouTube. Luvara says the second round of tests confirmed suspicions raised in the first video. - Jaunuary 15, 2025

California Fuel Distributors File Unleaded Fuel Court Defense - California aviation fuel distributors say there are too many gaps in accessibility and too many questions about GAMI G100UL's suitability for some aircraft to make it the only high-octane choice at California airports. In their response to a motion by the Center for Environmental Health for the California Superior Court to enforce the terms of a 2014 settlement agreement regarding the sale of unleaded fuel (copied in full below), the fuel distributors and 17 FBOs covered by the settlement agreement say granting CEH's motion would "ground a significant portion of the general aviation fleet, including aircraft used for fighting fires, law enforcement, and other essential public services" and orphan tens of thousands of aircraft. - January 13, 2025


GAMI Says All High Aromatic Gasolines Are Hard On Paint - General Aviation Modifications Inc. says long-term exposure of painted aircraft surfaces to avgas with high aromatic content, like its G100UL and, potentially, 100LL is "not recommended" but "incidental contact should not cause paint to peel." The company was responding to a video released by a California A&P who conducted his own set of material compatibility tests on the high-octane unleaded fuel. Michael Luvara found that when G100UL was allowed to evaporate on a painted surface, the residual liquid left after the most volatile constituents would, over time, cause paint damage. He also found that nitrile O-rings swelled when submerged in the fuel for five days. - December 25, 2024

Textron Keeps G100UL Off Approved Fuel List, Wants More Testing - Textron says it won't add G100UL unleaded avgas to its approved fuel list until it has been more thoroughly tested. In statements released last Friday (one for singles, one for twins), the company said it won't be giving its stamp of approval to the fuel unless and until that more comprehensive testing has been done. It cites the Piston Aviation Fuel Initiative (PAFI) and the Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) fuel evaluation process, of which it is an active participant, as the kind of "comprehensive testing of candidate replacement fuels for engine performance, materials compatibility, and operational safety" it's looking for. - December 24, 2024

California Mechanic’s Tests Show G100UL Paint, Nitrile O-Ring Damage Under Some Circumstances - G100UL unleaded fuel appears to damage aircraft paint under specific circumstances, according to a California A&P who conducted his own compatibility tests on it and 100LL. Michael Luvara also said new nitrile O-rings swelled beyond certified limits when submerged in the unleaded fuel for five to six days. GAMI recommends replacing nitrile components with those made of silicone or fluoropolymer elastomers. - December 24, 2024

Mississippi FBO Plans G100UL Sales - A third fuel retailer has announced plans to sell GAMI's G100UL unleaded avgas, and in many ways it couldn't be farther from the existing California facilities offering the fuel. Tupelo Aviation Unlimited, in the heart of Mississippi, says it will have the high-octane lead-free alternative for retail sale in mid-January at $6.99 a gallon, 45 cents a gallon more than full-serve 100LL, which it will continue to carry. CEO Corey Gillard said unlike California, where leaded avgas is a hot-button political, legal and environmental issue, his was purely a business and marketing decision. "There are so few ways to differentiate yourself in this industry," he said. "We want to be a pioneer, we want to be a leader." - December 23, 2024

EAGLE Releases Part 1 Of ‘Clear The Air’ Series - The Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) team has released Part 1 of a three-part series called “Clearing the Air: How Unleaded Aviation Fuel Is Gaining Approval.” Part 1 (attached below) is labeled “Understanding the STC process and why it matters to pilots and aircraft owners.” In a series of questions and answers, EAGLE attempts to clarify the differences between the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) approval process as opposed to the Fleet Authorization protocol. Part 2 will further explore the Fleet Authorization process, as developed through the Piston Aviation Fuels Initiative (PAFI), followed by Part 3, which is tasked with explaining “the importance of industry consensus standards, such as those from ASTM International.” - December 20, 2024

Environmental Group Asks Court To Enforce Unleaded Avgas Consent Agreement - A California Superior Court judge will hear arguments Jan. 28 that could result in 100LL becoming unavailable in California and replaced by GAMI's G100UL unleaded avgas. The court will also be asked to require the four major fuel distributors serving California airports to carry G100UL. - December 8, 2024

AOPA Warns Pilots To Be Aware Of Varying Fuel Types - The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), in association with the Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) initiative, posted a warning today (posted below in italics) for pilots regarding concern over misfuelling as new unleaded fuels of varying types and octane levels are starting to make their way to market. It cautions pilots to ensure their aircraft—particularly those requiring high-octane fuels—are not misfueled with “the wrong type, grade, or mix of fuel.” - November 27, 2024

Study finds American-made e-fuels could transform aviation and grid resilience while halving emissions - A new study reveals that American-made e-fuels, produced using surplus renewable energy and waste CO2, could significantly reduce aviation emissions, enhance grid resilience, and drive economic growth. - November 20, 2024

G100UL Launches At Watsonville CA - Watsonville Municipal Airport became the second California field to sell GAMI's G100UL high-octane unleaded fuel, and to kick it off it's offering incentives to based operators as well as those from neighboring fields. The full list of incentives is attached below, but those who keep their planes at Watsonville can get the required STC for free, including the necessary sign-off by an IA at the kickoff event on Saturday. To get the STC payment refunded they have to buy it by midnight Friday. - November 22, 2024

Unleaded Fuel Sales Take Off At Reid-Hillview - GAMI founder George Braly said more than 125 STCs were sold and almost 1,000 gallons of G100UL pumped during a promotional event to mark the start of sales of the fuel on Saturday. Reid-Hillview Airport last week became the first airport to sell the high-octane unleaded avgas and it offered free STCs and fuel discounts to get the ball rolling. "I don't think it could have gone any better," Braly said. - November 5, 2024

San Diego begins offering unleaded aircraft fuel at Montgomery-Gibbs Airport - San Diego's Montgomery-Gibbs Executive Airport Friday began offering unleaded gasoline to clients in a move to improve air quality and public health. "All San Diegans deserve to live in clean, safe and healthy neighborhoods, and that starts with the air we breathe," said City Councilman Raul Campillo, who represents District 7, where the airport is located. "I'm proud to have partnered with grassroots community organizations like the Montgomery-Gibbs Environmental Coalition to deliver this long-awaited quality of life and public health improvement for the entire neighborhood." - November 2, 2024

Gami G100Ul Lands At Reid-Hillview Airport - Santa Clara County signed on with energy distribution company Vitol to bring General Aviation Modifications Inc.’s unleaded G100UL fuel to the San Jose, California, airport. The county stopped the sale of leaded avgas in January 2022. - October 30, 2024

EAGLE Update Stresses OEM Approval For Unleaded Fuels - The End Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) group seems to be suggesting that OEMs, not the FAA, will have the final word on the approval of unleaded replacement fuels for 100LL developed through the STC process. In an update posted late last week, the group, of which the FAA is a central member, described OEMs as "the key players in this process, and their comfort with these new fuels will drive this monumental shift." - October 21, 2024

Swift Says 100R Distribution Planned For 2025 - Swift Fuels says it will begin commercial distribution of its 100R unleaded avgas sometime in 2025. The company recently earned an STC for the fuel and airframe on R- and S-model Cessna 172s with fuel-injected Lycoming IO-360 engines. It also had its fuel specification go through the ASTM balloting process on Aug. 29, and there were concerns raised about the testing parameters and formulation of the fuel. - October 8, 2024

California 2031 Leaded Avgas Ban Signed Into Law - California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed into law a ban on leaded aviation gasoline that comes into effect in 2031. That's the day after the FAA has said it will have a fully approved replacement fuel for 100LL through its End Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) program. Newsom signed the bill, which passed by votes of 59-11 in the House and 30-8 in the Senate in August, on Sept. 22. It's the first such law in the U.S., but several other states are contemplating similar action. - October 1, 2024

Swift Fuels 100R Granted First STC - The FAA has issued an STC for Swift Fuels 100R unleaded avgas to be used in Cessna 172R/S Skyhawks with Lycoming IO-360-L2A engines. Those are the only aircraft configurations covered by the STC but Swift says that's only the beginning. The breakthrough was first reported by Aviation News. - September 24, 2024

Unleaded Fuel: What We'Ve Learned - The AOPA unleaded fuel demonstration Beechcraft Baron’s year of flying with two different fuels has come to a close—and we’ve learned a great deal. - September 19, 2024

Unleaded Fuel: What We'Ve Learned - The AOPA unleaded fuel demonstration Beechcraft Baron’s year of flying with two different fuels has come to a close—and we’ve learned a great deal. - September 19, 2024California Legislature Passes Leaded Avgas Ban - California is a governor's signature away from banning leaded aviation gasoline statewide. Politico Pro is reporting the California state Senate on Thursday passed bill that would outlaw the fuel starting in 2031. California is the first state to pass a leaded fuel ban. Several other states have similar legislation moving through their legislatures. The Senate vote passed 30-8. The day before, the House passed the bill, SB1193, sponsored by Democratic Sen. Caroline Menjivar, by 59-11. It now goes to Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign. He could veto it but based on the two votes it would pass anyway with the required two-thirds majority to defeat a veto. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto the bill. - August 31, 2024

GAMI Answers G100UL Criticisms Point By Point - GAMI founder George Braly offers responses to a series of criticisms and questions about G100UL, his company’s unleaded replacement for 100LL. - August 26, 2024

Unleaded Fuel Process Needs A Reboot
 - The only candidate trying to develop an alternative to 100LL that's following the clearly preferred method of obtaining approval says it's impossible to make a "drop-in replacement." - August 19, 2024

FAA Says Warranties Up To Manufacturers - The FAA is staying out of the controversy over warranty issues concerning the use of GAMI’s G100UL. Cirrus Aircraft and Lycoming have both said they don’t consider G100UL an approved fuel and confirmed its use could affect warranty claims. Continental Aerospace has not yet commented to AVweb on the issue. The warranty debate arose from Cirrus’ issuance of a service advisory describing G100UL as unapproved because of inconclusive data on materials compatibility. The FAA has approved STCs for every gasoline engine on its registry but says warranty coverage is up to the manufacturers. - June 28, 2024

Lycoming Clarifies G100UL Warranty Impact - The world’s largest piston aircraft engine manufacturer has confirmed it may not honor warranty claims on engines that have been run on GAMI G100UL unleaded fuel. In a statement to AVweb, Lycoming said that G100UL is not on its list of approved fuels and while warranty claims are assessed individually, the warranty “does not cover damage caused by operation outside of Lycoming’s published specifications or the use of non-approved fuels or lubricants.” - June 26, 2024

Lyondell Temporarily Withdraws Unleaded Fuel ASTM Test Specification - Lyondell, one of the partners in development of a potential unleaded avgas replacement, has temporarily suspended its application for a test fuel specification from ASTM International. Lyondell, which is working with Basell and VP Racing to approve the fuel through the Piston Engine Fuels Initiative (PAFI), submitted a test fuel specification to the consensus standards organization but apparently did not get a favorable response. Curt Castagna, the co-chair of Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE), an industry initiative charged with achieving an unleaded replacement for 100LL by 2030, said the FAA confirmed that Lyondell’s fuel spec application has been paused. - June 26, 2024

GAMI Responds To Cirrus G100UL Service Advisory - General Aviation Modifications Inc. says it will issue a detailed response to Cirrus Aircraft’s recent service advisory discouraging the use of GAMI’s G100UL unleaded fuel in its SR series aircraft. In a statement to AVweb, GAMI said the service advisory appears to be linked to a single incident in which the sealant used in the fuel tank had unbonded in a company aircraft that had been fueled with G100UL. GAMI says there are indications the unbonded sealant had nothing to do with the fuel, but because the tank was not inspected before the unleaded fuel was introduced there’s no way to prove whether the fuel was a factor. In its service advisory, Cirrus said the materials compatibility of the fuel is “inconclusive.” - June 22, 2024

Lawyer Pilot Says G100UL Does Not Void Engine Warranties - A reader who is a lawyer for a large eastern firm has offered a legal opinion on the warranty implications of the use of GAMI G100UL unleaded fuel in Lycoming and Continental engines. Last week Cirrus issued a service advisory that said it did not approve the use of G100UL in its SR series aircraft because its compatibility with materials used in the fuel systems was “inconclusive.” It also suggested the use of the fuel could void the warranties on the engines. “As the GAMI G100UL fuel is a non-approved fuel per Continental and Lycoming, engines known to have run this fuel may not be covered by the current OEM engine warranty,” the service advisory said. - June 24, 2024

Cirrus Service Advisory Cites GAMI G100UL As ‘Unapproved’ For SR Series - In a blow to the General Aviation Modifications Inc.’s (GAMI’s) G100UL unleaded aviation fuel program, Cirrus Aircraft posted Service Advisory SA24-14 Tuesday (June 18). The advisory informs operators of Cirrus SR-series aircraft (SR20, SR22 and SR22T) that the manufacturer “does not approve the use of GAMI G100LL fuel in Cirrus SR Series airplanes. Additionally, Cirrus does not warrant or represent in any way an operator’s use of the GAMI G100UL fuel in Cirrus SR Series airplanes.” - June 21, 2024

Court Action Looms Over California Unleaded Fuel Availability - The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) appears poised to challenge in court the National Air Transport Association’s assertion that General Aviation Modifications Inc.’s G100UL is not commercially available. “G100UL has been approved by FAA and is now in production. There are approximately 1 million gallons available for purchase and distribution into California,” CEH’s lawyer Mark Todzo said in a statement to AVweb. “It is therefore commercially available as that term is defined in CEH’s Consent Judgment.” - May 15, 2024

Colorado looks to get lead out of aviation fuel as a new study adds to potential health concerns - A Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment study showed that kids living closer to airports have higher amounts of lead in their blood - May 15, 2024

A California Mom May Tip The Fuel Battle Scales - In all the teeth-gnashing about the rocky road to a universal unleaded aviation gasoline, there’s a background theme that I’ve been trying to get across that tends to be drowned out by the technical issues and politics of the issue. - May 13, 2024

Kids living near Colorado airports have slightly elevated levels of lead in their blood, new study finds - But levels were still within the range the federal government considers normal, The study, by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, found levels to be within the range the federal government considers normal, and didn’t prove that living near an airport caused the increase in blood lead levels, though levels declined consistently as the distance from an airport increased, reaching the state average at about two miles out. - May 12, 2024

EAGLE Projects Approval For PAFI Unleaded Fuel In 2025 - The End Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) group expects the lone survivor of the congressionally mandated Piston Aviation Fuel Initiative (PAFI) to be approved by late 2025 but it may not be completely suitable for all engines. In a press briefing on Tuesday, Tim Owen, of the FAA, told dozens of stakeholders and media representatives that the Lyondell/Basell/VP Racing fuel is now in full testing by the FAA and, if all goes well, will be through all those tests by the third quarter of 2025. - April 24th, 20224

Jefferson County airport sued for noise, lead contamination - More than 400 residents of Superior’s Rock Creek subdivision filed a lawsuit against neighboring Jefferson County, owner of the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport, complaining that noise and alleged pollution from leaded aviation fuel are affecting their well-being and devaluing their homes. - February 24, 2024

Colorado town's lead test results show safe levels but experts say test lacks data - For months, Colorado residents living near Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport have expressed concerns about potential lead exposure from the small piston engine airplanes taking off over their homes.  RMMA has already committed to expediting their transition to 94 unleaded fuel and moving to fully unleaded when they are able. In response to community concerns, Superior officials had different areas in town and neighboring cities tested for lead and the results are in. - February 20, 2024

Neighbors weigh in on airport lawsuit - After a lawsuit was filed against the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport, opinions from impacted residents and pilots have flooded in. Carly Moore has the latest. - February 18, 2024

Colorado Lead Studies Failed To Detect Measurable Aviation Pollution - Notwithstanding the lack of detectable lead in air and surface samples taken in three Colorado communities near Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport in 2023 (findings that came to light only after pilots obtained the reports via freedom of information requests), the legislature is now considering a nakedly anti-aviation bill that AOPA will vigorously oppose. - February 15, 2024

Good-News Study On Airport Lead Exposure Kept Under Wraps - A series of studies commissioned by the town of Superior, Colorado, found virtually no evidence of airborne and surface lead contamination in three towns nearby Jefferson County’s Rocky Mountain Metro Airport (KBJC – also known as Jeffco Airport). But it took a Freedom of Information request to bring the test results to light. In all but one case, the levels found at the sites were too low to register. Air and surface swab samples were taken from indoor and outdoor locations in Superior, Louisville, and Lafayette, Colorado, between May and November last year. - February 14, 2024

Coloradans are on edge about airport noise and pollution. Lawmakers want to help - State lawmakers have introduced a bill aiming to protect residents from noise and potential lead exposure at Colorado's growing general aviation airports. Rapid growth at several airports, including Rocky Mountain Metropolitan in northern Colorado, has sparked lawsuits, thousands of noise complaints and health concerns about airborne lead pollution in neighboring communities. - February 13, 2024


Citing Valve Damage, UND Drops Unleaded Fuel And Returns To 100LL - After an extensive trial, the University of North Dakota’s flight school has dropped Swift UL94 fuel and resumed use of 100LL. The school said ongoing maintenance monitoring of aircraft using UL94—almost exclusively Lycoming-powered Piper Archers and Seminoles—resulted in measurable exhaust valve recession. The school made the switch back to 100LL on Oct. 27. - November 8, 2023

ONE AIRPLANE, TWO FUELS AOPA PUTS UNLEADED FUEL TO THE TEST - The idea couldn’t be simpler: To learn about the real-world performance of unleaded aviation fuels, AOPA will measure them against leaded avgas in a twin-engine airplane. - November 2, 2023

EPA Releases Final AVGAS Emission Endangerment Finding - What does it mean for GA?  What does it not mean?  - October 18, 2023

Investing in Bizav's Net-zero Future - Negative perceptions of business aviation are a growing concern among advocates. - October 14, 2023

Press Release: Solutions to leaded aviation fuel are complicated - September 22, 2023

In Communities Near Some Colorado Airports, Concerns Persist Over Leaded Aviation Fuel - August 23, 2023

CA Pilot Points Out Lead Fallacies - A pilot at Reid-Hillview Airport in Santa Clara County, California, pulled no punches in a letter he sent to the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency, copying the FAA. The thoughtfully worded letter by Michael McDonald, a professional engineer and local aircraft owner, pokes holes in the county’s study that lead from avgas is causing contamination in the area around the airport. - March 9, 2022


Response to EPA regarding Lead - Regarding the Aviation Lead Study at Reid Hillview Airport - February 28, 2022

Getting The Lead Out - The Charge Toward Fleetwide Unleaded Fuel

Nobody will argue that it’s time to remove lead from all aviation fuels. It’s as important that this transition needs to be done in a way that works for the entire general aviation fleet – safely, economically, practically, and efficiently.

This site serves the home of the industry campaign, led by AOPA, to find an unleaded solution that works for all aviators, manufacturers, suppliers, and regulators, and benefits the environment. Bookmark and revisit this site for continued news, updates, developments, and success stories.