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HomeCalendarKAPA - Vintage Showcase

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KAPA - Vintage Showcase

About this event

Join us at Exploration of Flight for a showcase of vintage aircraft! Take a step back in time and check out aircraft from 1980 and earlier, including Wings’ own 1977 Varga 2150A Kachina with factory original paint and upholstery. Featured aircraft on display will also include a 1948 Luscombe 8F Silvaire, 1977 Grumman Tiger and 1959 Cessna 172.

Dress up in your favorite retro wear and shop for vintage goods in the hangar from local vendors!

Date and Time

Saturday, July 13, 2024, 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM


KAPA - Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight
13005 Wings Way
Englewood, CO  80112
303-360-5360 ext. 160

Event Contact(s)

Bailey Elledge
3033605360x165 (p)


Non-CPA Fly-in Event

Registration Info

Registration is not Required