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Good-News Study On Airport Lead Exposure Kept Under Wraps

By Mark Phelps -Published: February 14, 2024 | Published on 2/14/2024

Good-News Study On Airport Lead Exposure Kept Under Wraps

A series of studies commissioned by the town of Superior, Colorado, found virtually no evidence of airborne and surface lead contamination in three towns nearby Jefferson County’s Rocky Mountain Metro Airport (KBJC – also known as Jeffco Airport). But it took a Freedom of Information request to bring the test results to light. In all but one case, the levels found at the sites were too low to register. Air and surface swab samples were taken from indoor and outdoor locations in Superior, Louisville, and Lafayette, Colorado, between May and November last year.

Last December, more than 400 homeowners in Superior filed a lawsuit against Jefferson County over increased airport operations, claiming diminished property values and citing lead pollution as one of the charges.


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