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HomeKBDU - Boulder Airport

KBDU - Boulder Airport

Opened 1928
Annual Airport Operations (2018): 51,358

KBDU resource: Save Boulder Airport

BAA Newsletters:

BAA July 2024 Newsletter
BAA August 2024 newsletter

News Articles:

Ballot measure to close Boulder airport withdrawn amid FAA lawsuit, shifting 2024 election landscape - Organizers have pulled two controversial ballot measures that would have decommissioned Boulder Municipal Airport and redeveloped the land into affordable housing, largely due to a pending lawsuit with the FAA over the city’s obligations to keep the airport operational. - August 26, 2024

Colorado City Challenges Airport Grant Obligation - The city of Boulder, Colorado, filed a lawsuit seeking relief from the obligation to maintain the property as an airport in perpetuity. The obligation stems from past purchases of land and a property easement for the airport using FAA grant funds. - July 30, 2024

What Where They Thinking? - At the July 25th city council meeting, the council unanimously decided to delay the vote on the future direction of the airport. After more than a year of build-up, why pause now? - 8/2024

Ground the red herring and save our airport - What initially began as complaints about airport noise suddenly has become a pitched battle over saving one of Boulder’s most valuable transportation, public safety, scientific research and economic vitality resources … all in pursuit of a red herring. - 8/6/2024

Nine reasons why the Boulder Airport shouldn’t (and can’t) be closed - In two months, you will receive in the mail your 2024 ballot. While the future of our country will depend on how Americans vote for president of the United States, a bit further down the ballot in Boulder will be another consequential decision: Should the city close the 96-year-old Boulder Airport? - August 1, 2024

Closing the Boulder Municipal Airport: Flight of fancy or city’s best option for housing? - Boulder is a great place to live — just ask U.S. News & World Report.  But Boulder can be a difficult place to live. And for many, this beautiful city where the median sales price for a home has exceeded $1 million for nearly this entire decade, is an impossible place to live. What if Boulder leaders decided to roll the dice on an uncertain gambit to secure for Boulder’s Regular Joes and Janes the chance to buy a quality home at a fraction of that price? - June 9, 2024

Boulder housing advocates file election complaint against pro-airport groups - A group of housing advocates seeking to close the Boulder Municipal Airport and turn the area into a residential neighborhood has filed an election complaint against two local pro-airport groups. - May 23, 2024

Boulder housing board considers converting airport into mixed-income neighborhood - Boulder's housing board is recommending exploration of a proposal to convert the Boulder Municipal Airport into a mixed-income neighborhood.

The seven-member board recently sent a letter to city council members requesting feedback on the matter. It's part of an effort to create a bigger supply of housing so more people can afford to live in Boulder. - March 13, 2024

Residents Rally In Support Of Boulder Airport Amid Closure Debate - In response to a recent campaign calling for the closure of Boulder Municipal Airport, a group of residents issued a counter-petition voicing their support for the airport’s continued operation. - March 1, 2024

Neighbors Cite Lead In Bid To Close Boulder Airport - A campaign to decommission Boulder Municipal Airport (KBDU) in favor of a new, mixed-use neighborhood has begun circulating online. - February 16, 2024

Petition advocates say the airport’s 179 acres of land could much better serve the community as a mixed-use neighborhood rather than what it calls a “small, hobbyist airport” for some 200 people who own or fly private aircraft. Residents have also expressed concerns about noise and leaded aviation fuel and its effect on neighbors and children who live near the airport. - February 16, 2024

Petition aims to build momentum toward decommissioning Boulder airport - Community members have begun circulating a petition in support of decommissioning Boulder’s 96-year-old municipal airport and turning the area into a new, mixed-use neighborhood.

One of the petition’s organizers, Laura Kaplan, is a member of the city’s Planning Board. A mediator by trade, she said she doesn’t normally become involved in city issues as an advocate or activist, but got involved with the effort to close the airport over land use concerns — the airport sits on 179 acres of land that could be used in many other ways. - February 14, 2024

KBDU White Paper on Noise Abatement - posted on 12/4/2023

Broomfield joins surrounding communities in concern over effects of leaded fuel at RMMA - October 5, 2023

City of Boulder considers what to do with airport - The city of Boulder is looking at a range of possibilities for the future of its small airport. - July 18, 2023


Airport Ballot measure Misleads Voters - BOULDER, Colo—Although the ballot measures to close the airport have been withdrawn, an analysis of the recent mandatory city reporting shows that the campaign which was only funded by four people, was used primarily to hire paid petition gatherers. Yet, the effort pushed the city into a costly lawsuit with the FAA. - October 1, 2024

Boulder v. FAA Complaint - Plaintiff City of Boulder (the “City”), by and though its undersigned attorneys, bring this
action against Defendants United States of America, the Federal Aviation Administration (the “FAA”), and Michael G. Whitaker, Administrator of the FAA, in his official capacity. - July 26, 2024

KBDU_Financial_Analysis_Memo - This Agenda Item provides an update to City Council on the Airport Community Conversation and the subsequent financial analysis and additional Information requested by City Council regarding the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) position on the possibility of decommissioning the Boulder Municipal Airport (BDU) in the future. - July 24, 2024

Save Our Boulder Airport! - For 96 years, the Boulder airport has served the entire community and saved thousands of lives in the fight against wildfires, flood events, and everyday emergencies. The airport is completely self-funding and has cost Boulder taxpayers nothing.

FAA Response to City of Boulder - This letter is in response to your letter regarding the federal obligations related to airport land and property interests acquired with federal assistance at the Boulder Municipal Airport (BDU). You have raised questions related to a scenario in which the City of Boulder is considering a proposal to close the airport and repurpose the site for residential development.  This document references - Enclosure A FAA Order 5190.6B pp 22.15 to 22.17 - March 20, 2024

Boulder Municipal Airport Meeting - Fact Sheet regarding the history of Boulder Airport and current state of the airport in the community - July 18, 2023

KBDU Closure Letter from FAA - This letter is to remind the City of Boulder, Colorado, of its contractual obligations with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to operate and maintain the airport as an airport. The FAA received an email from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) stating that during a citizen’s work group meeting on April 11, 2023 Mayor Pro Tem Wallach stated “we are going to close the airport.” - April 27, 2023 

Boulder Airport Association - A community of welcoming pilots and aviation enthusiasts

Grant Assurances Documents:

The following series of documents are provided for the purpose of sharing the history of the KBDU receiving Federal grants for the airport.

1959 - Grant agreement - Initial grant agreement for KBDU
1977 - Responsive Documents - Grant Agreement information
1977 Grant Agreement - Updated Grant Agreement
1991 - Boulder Grant Application - More current Grant Agreement
1991 - Boulder Grant Form - Formal request for grant monies
Boulder Airport Land Acquisition Data - Design of airport and land areas, including years of acquisitions
May-9-2024 FOIA Request - This letter responds to your February 1, 2024, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Pilots Helping communities:

Flood rescue crews honored at Boulder Airport Day - BOULDER COUNTY, Colo. June 14, 2014 — Coloradans won’t soon forget the floods that ravaged parts of the state in September. Boulder County had the most aerial rescues since Hurricane Katrina.

Angel Flight West missions flown:

Mission Count Unique Passenger Count Unique Pilot Count
KEIK 6125 9 2

*mission stats from 1/1/2022 to 10/18/2023

Economic Impact

Payroll Value Added Business Revenue
299 $16,766,000 $26,276,000 $54,732,000
Source: 2020 Colorado Aviation Economic Impact Study

Boulder Economic Impact Study

KBDU History - On Feb. 20, 1934, the Boulder City Council adopted a motion to establish the City of Boulder Municipal Air Port, located at Hayden Airfield, and procure a Works Progress Administration grant “for the construction of a Federal Aid Air Port.” BMA is the oldest continually operating municipal airport in the state of Colorado. Follow the link to read the full history.

The Boulder Airport's Story - Welcome to the Boulder Municipal Airport: a small general aviation airport nestled in the Rocky Mountain foothills.

Welcome to the Boulder Municipal Airport: a small general aviation airport nestled in the Rocky Mountain foothills.